PFLAG KC February 11 Meeting featuring SCOTT FIEKER, LPC

Scott Fieker LPC is a private practice Licensed Professional Counselor who specializes in LGBTQIA issues including working with individuals and families who are Transgender and Non Binary. Scott has been a counselor for over 30 years working with people dealing with crisis, trauma, rape, depression, bipolar, schizophrenia, anxiety, grief, suicide and sexual issues. Scott is a 58 year old single gay Transgender Male who is a proud advocate and frequently speaks on Transgender Issues. He has worked with school districts, employers and churches to educate and advocate for Transgender rights. He provides recommendation letters for hormone replacement, puberty blockers, surgery readiness, etc. He also works in Behavioral Health Utilization at Swope Health Services. He is a volunteer counselor at Crisis Text Line. Scott is a member of Mankind Project, an international men’s support group.

I know Scott will educate us on many topics! See you Sunday!