
PFLAG defines a family as two or more people who share resources, responsibility for decisions, values and goals with commitments to one another over a period of time, regardless of sexual orientation and gender identity. The family is the unit that one comes home to, regardless of blood, adoption, marriage or other formalities. PFLAG rejects any concept of traditional family values that excludes our lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) loved ones. We support marriage equality for same-sex couples and recognize the value of all families.

(Adopted by the Board of Directors July 17, 2000; Revised November 4, 2011.)


PFLAG supports the right of straight, lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender individuals and couples to be parents, regardless of their marital status, through biological relationships and, when qualified, adoptive or foster relationships.

(Adopted by the PFLAG Board of Directors on February 12, 1995. Revised April 1, 2012.)