
Keeping relationships strong and keeping families together when someone comes out is one of PFLAG’s most important activities. PFLAG Kansas City helps parents when they find out that a child is lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender (LGBT). Other family members and friends can also find information and advice through PFLAG to help them better understand and strengthen relationships with LGBT loved ones.

Just as important as serving the families and friends of LGBT people is helping LGBT individuals directly when they experience difficulties coming out and finding acceptance from their families. Coming out is a process that is liberating but also difficult. At PFLAG Kansas City, we encourage patience and understanding for the journey that LGBT people go through as they accept themselves and come out to others. We offer support, advice, and unconditional love through that journey.

Get support from PFLAG Kansas City through:

  • Meetings — PFLAG meetings are support-based. We are not a therapy session or a workshop, we do not want to change you or deny your feelings. PFLAG’s goal is to keep families together by promoting understanding and love.
  • Confidential Helpline — via Telephone at 816-765-9818 & Email at [email protected]