- Become a member of PFLAG and join with thousands of people from all walks of life, working to end discrimination against lesbians, gays, and bisexuals.
- Teach your children that being gay, lesbian, or bisexual is simply another means of expressing love.
- If one of your family is gay, lesbian, or bisexual be sure to let them know you love them just the way they are.
- Don’t tell anti-gay jokes. You just perpetuate the stereotypes about gays and lesbians.
- Read PFLAG literature and find out more about what it is really like to be a lesbian, gay, or bisexual in our society.
- Be open with others about having lesbian, gay, or bisexual friends or family. Secrecy breeds shame.
- If you over hear someone making an anti-gay comment, let them know you don’t agree or approve.
- Write Congress to protest any anti-gay legislation as you become aware of it.
- Encourage open and honest discussion of gay, lesbian, and bisexual issues in your home, workplace and church.
- Stand with those who believe that discrimination against anyone is a crime against humanity – TAKE A STAND WITH PFLAG.