
Meeting May 10th 3-4 PM

Join PFLAG KC in their first virtual meeting!
SUNDAY, MAY 10th, 2020

Topic: PFLAG KC 1st Virtual Meeting
Time: May 10, 2020 03:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 940 7703 8893
Password: 726695
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Meeting ID: 940 7703 8893
Password: 726695
Find your local number: https://zoom.us/u/abiEDTuDVZ

Posted by Lisa

Suspended Meetings

Dear PFLAG KC Members and Supporters:

Your health and wellbeing is the top priority for our PFLAG chapter. With that in mind, and based on the data and information we have received from PFLAG National, the CDC, the WHO and our local Health Departments, we are suspending all in-person chapter meetings and events. Specifically, the following events will not be held:

Tuesday April 7, (Independence Satellite Meeting)
Sunday, April 12th, and
Sunday, April 26th

Even though we are not meeting in person, PFLAG KC leaders are available to provide you support. Please reach out to us as follows:

[email protected]

Lisa Wright, PFLAG KC Chapter President

Posted by PFLAG-KC

Educator Nomination Form: Greater Kansas City PFLAG/GLSEN Scholarship for an LGBTQ+ Student in Financial Need- 2020

Are you an educator working with LGBTQ+ students in a high school in the greater Kansas City metropolitan area in Missouri or Kansas?

This form is collecting email addresses of respondents. This will assure we will have contact information for you but we will only use it to communicate with you IF you nominate a student. We will not share this email with anyone.

Educator Nomination Form

Posted by PFLAG-KC

April 14, 2019 PFLAG-KC Meeting Features Ken Strickland

Ken has spent the last eleven years working to empower LGBTQIA youth and their allies as one of the founders and board president of PerformOUTKC. He believes that communities will be united and healed by the power of young people sharing their voices through the arts. Ken has a BS in music education from Lindenwood University and has been involved in some form of performing arts most of his life. Career and volunteer work have allowed him to develop skills in organization, facilitative management, strategic planning, community engagement, marketing and development. He has served several not-for-profit organizations in event planning, volunteer coordination, membership services and board development. Ken currently works as the Volunteer Manager with Habitat for Humanity of Kansas City. He has also contributed his time and talents to facilitate board retreats for community organizations and plans to continue serving in a facilitative and advisory role. Mr. Strickland is grateful and excited to begin this new chapter of his life in the role of Vice President of FCPA.

Ken’s passion is contagious! Please join us!

Posted by Lisa